
Invited lecture, September, 21st
The September meeting of the Clinical Research Unit will take place via zoom.
Prof. Dr. Michael Bauer from the Jena Center of Soft Matters will talk about “Nano goes ICU – Overcoming limitations for the treatment of organ failure”.

Invited lecture, November 30th
The November meeting of the Clinical Research Unit will take place via zoom.
Prof. Eric Schmidt, MD will talk about “The role of the epithelial glycocalyx on ARDS pathogenesis”

Microvascular dysfunction in COVID-19: Dr. Alexandros Rovas receives DGIIN Award
CRU scientist Dr. Alexandros Rovas from pilot project PP1 receives the 2021 research award from the German Society of Medical Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DGIIN).

Invited lecture, June 14th
Prof Sussan Nourshargh will talk about “Neutrophil breaching of venular endothelium: Mechanisms and consequences of 2-way trafficking”

How platelets help resolve lung inflammation
Scientists at the University of Münster provide new insights into interactions between platelets and white blood cells in mice / Study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine

Invited lecture, May 18th
The May meeting of the Clinical Research Unit will take place via zoom. Prof. Tom van der Poll, PhD will talk about “Coagulation in sepsis and COVID-19”.

Invited Lecture, March 24th
The March meeting of the Clinical Research Unit will take place via zoom.
Prof. Dr. med. Susanne Herold, PhD will talk about “Lung organoid modeling and beyond: insights into mechanisms of stem cell-mediated alveolar repair after viral injury”.

Inflammation & Imaging Lecture
We meet twice a month. On the 2nd Monday of the month, we invite renowned international colleagues to present their most recent research results in Münster (invited talks). On the 4th Monday of the month, members of our networks present results from their individual projects and high-potential research concepts across scientific disciplines and networks (flashlight talks)

Flexible funding for Clinician Scientists
Flexible funding for Clinician Scientists: Submission of proposals for Clinician Scientist Rotation possible until April, 1st 2021!