Paper of the Month Award, September 2022
A recent publication of Prof. Dr. med. Nana-Maria Wagner, principal investigator, has been selected as the Paper of the Month (09/2022) by the Medical Faculty, University of Münster
CRU 342 welcomes Azra Bihorac as new Advisory Board member
Azra Bihorac from the University of Florida joins the Advisory Board of the CRU342 and succeeds Andrea Olschewski.
Invited lecture, October, 18th
The October meeting 2022 of the Clinical Research Unit will take place via zoom.
Prof. Dr. Barbara Rehermann, from the NIDDK, Bethesda will talk about “Wild Mouse Microbiota in Preclinical Models of Inflammation and Metabolism”.
Inflammation & Imaging Lecture, 14. November 2022
Prof. Mia Phillipson from the Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Sweden will talk about “Fates and Functions of Perivascular Macrophages during Restoration of Blood Perfusion following Injury”. This session of the Inflammation & Imaging Lecture is hosted by CRU342.
Invited Lecture, 28. September 2022
Prof. Sabine Oertelt-Prigione will talk about “The impact of sex and gender on biomedical research”.
NEW: Clinician Scientist CareerS Münster
Flexible research funding for clinician scientists. The DFG funds the new program for research-oriented physicians.
PhD student gains funding for pilot project
KFO342 PhD student Josua Janowski, working in the group of Dr. Linda Brunotte, gains funding for a pilot project from the Cells in Motion Interfaculty Centre. Together with Rexford Mawunyo Dumevi from the working group of Prof. Alexander Mellmann he submitted the project “Mutations in the viral polymerase of HPIAV determine the production of aberrant viral RNA species that trigger overshooting immune responses.”
YOUNG Academy
Work in Progress: YOuth Academy on UNrestrained Inflammation and OrGan Protection 2023
2nd place in the category “basis research”
PhD student Katharina Hellenthal receives award at the DAC 2022 for her abstract “Inhibition of procalcitonin signaling protects vascular barrier integrity in systemic inflammation”.