Paper of the Month Award, October 2022

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Dr. rer. nat.

Linda Brunotte

The October Paper of the Month, awarded by the Medical Faculty, University of Münster goes to Dr. rer. nat. Linda Brunotte (last authorship shared with Prof. Dr. Ursula Recher and principal investigator in the clinical research unit) for the publication “3D Ex vivo tissue platforms to investigate the early phases of influenza a virus- and SARS-CoV-2-induced respiratory diseases”.
The publication is based on the research programme of the clinical research unit describes the establishment of a 3D ex vivo tissue model to study the pathophysiology of early-stage viral infection. This is a very helpful and advanced tool: on the one hand for the highly relevant virological research itself, but also to advance human-transnational research, reduce animal experiments and carry out drug screenings.

Schloer S, Treuherz D, Faist A, de Witt M, Wunderlich K, Wiewrodt R, Wiebe K, Barth P, Wälzlein JH, Kummer S, Balkema-Buschmann A, Ludwig S, Brunotte L, Rescher U. 3D ex vivo tissue platforms to investigate the early phases of influenza A virus- and SARS-CoV-2-induced respiratory diseases. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Aug 24;1-30. doi: 10.1080/22221751.2022.2117101.